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Choosing the Right Front-End Framework: A Comparison of Angular, React, and Vue for Building Single-Page Applications

Written by Team Cosmo | Aug 10, 2023 9:39:13 AM

Front-end frameworks are software or tools that facilitate the development of applications, specifically single-page applications. These frameworks act as supportive tools, handling most of the complex tasks required to create successful and user-friendly single-page applications. They ensure maintainability, adherence to design patterns, and compliance with the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle.

On the other hand, libraries are collections of precompiled procedures that programmers utilize to execute specific tasks. These procedures are typically stored as objects, and when a program requires certain functionalities, it first searches for them within libraries.

Single-page applications are designed to operate within web browsers without the need to reload the entire page. Prominent examples of such applications include Google, Facebook, and GitHub. Essentially, a single-page application loads all its content within the main page, eliminating the extra waiting time associated with page reloads.

Regardless of whether it's Angular, React, or Vue, these frameworks share a common objective: to simplify the process of creating single-page applications, providing developers with efficient methods and tools.


What is Angular/AngularJS?

Angular is a front-end framework designed for developing single-page applications. It was initially created by Google developers in 2010 and was known as AngularJS. AngularJS was rebranded as Angular starting from version 2.0. While Angular primarily utilizes HTML and TypeScript, AngularJS relies on JavaScript. The functionality of Angular is executed through sets of TypeScript libraries imported into applications.


How does Angular work?

Angular operates as a component-based framework, meaning that its functioning revolves around manipulating components. On a webpage, components can include various elements such as sidebars, widgets, and the main content section.

Each component or module focuses on two major aspects: the template and the data within the template. The template involves the visual appearance and positioning of the component, where HTML plays a crucial role. The data is incorporated into the template to complete the component. The process of managing the connection between the data and the template is called data binding. Angular's data binding can be one-way (read-only) or two-way (allows input manipulation).

Components should exhibit low coupling, indicating minimal interdependence between modules, and high cohesion, ensuring the internal logic functions effectively as a whole.


What are the benefits of using Angular?

Angular offers several advantages as a front-end framework:

Uses TypeScript: Angular leverages TypeScript as its programming language. TypeScript enhances JavaScript by adding static-type definitions, resulting in improved security, easier error identification and mitigation, and streamlined debugging, navigation, and refactoring processes.

Modular Structure: Angular's component-based structure allows for clear organization and reusability of application functionality. Modules facilitate tasks such as lazy loading, enabling developers to divide work efficiently and minimize dependencies, thus eliminating bottlenecks.

Simplified MVC Architecture: Angular follows a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture similar to a Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) design structure. It automates the process of dividing the application, eliminating the need for extensive code creation and making application design and execution more accessible to multiple teams.

Google Support and Declarative UI: Angular benefits from long-term support (LTS) provided by Google, facilitating integration with existing Google applications and leveraging top-tier developers. Additionally, Angular's primary use of HTML in UI creation simplifies the development process by offering an easy-to-learn and declarative language, eliminating the need for complex program flows and object mapping.


Which Companies Are Using Angular?

Several prominent companies and platforms utilize Angular, including:

  • YouTube
  • Netflix
  • Upwork
  • Lego
  • IBM
  • The New York Times
  • Gmail


What is React.js?

React.js is an open-source library used to build user interfaces (UIs) for single-page applications. It was developed by Facebook in 2013 and employs independent, reusable components. React.js utilizes JavaScript and relies on classes with state and render functions for each component. Unlike Angular, which is a front-end framework, React.js is a library and supports one-directional flow instead of two-way data binding. This distinction arises from the fact that Angular updates the Real DOM directly, while React.js updates the virtual DOM. The primary role of React.js is to render the UI, leaving other project tasks to be assembled.


What is React Native?

React Native is a framework that allows the development of native applications for both Android and iOS platforms using JavaScript. With React Native, developers can write a significant portion of the application's code in JavaScript, eliminating the need to learn specific programming languages for Android and iOS apps. This eliminates the necessity of maintaining separate development teams for each platform, providing cost-effectiveness. Notable features of React Native include hot reloading, which allows developers to view real-time coding progress, and its usage in popular applications like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Skype.


What's the Difference?

In summary, React is a framework used for building applications with JavaScript. React.js is a library focused on UI development for single-page applications, while React Native is a platform used to build native mobile applications for any operating system.


What are the Benefits of Using React?

React offers various benefits for developers:



  • Fast Rendering: React.js's virtual DOM performs faster than traditional full-page refresh methods. By refreshing only the necessary parts of the page, it saves significant time, increasing productivity and programming speed.
  • SEO Integration: React.js addresses SEO intricacies by reducing page load time, enhancing search engine optimization efforts, and attracting more users to the platform.
  • Easy Migration and Learning: React.js is built with JavaScript, ensuring a smooth transition from older technological infrastructure. It eliminates compatibility issues between older and newer versions and requires no additional training.
  • Easy Debugging, Platform Stability, and Integration: React provides a dedicated debugging mechanism, simplifying error identification and correction within the user interface. Component-based development allows for efficient unit testing, improving code quality and platform stability. React's integration with HTML and JavaScript enables seamless interface development, working well with frameworks like Material Design and Semantic UI.


React Native

  • Third-Party Plugin Support: React Native allows the use of third-party plugins, providing flexibility and customization options not typically available in front-end frameworks.
  • Cost-Effective Development: React Native enables cross-platform application development without the need for separate teams for each platform. It reduces time and resource requirements by facilitating code reuse and accelerating the debugging process.
  • Simple User Interface: React Native focuses on mobile UI development, resulting in a user interface that resembles a JavaScript library. Its UI design is streamlined and has faster load times compared to competitors in the market.

What is Vue.js/Vue?

Vue.js, created by former Google employee Evan You in 2014, aims to combine the best features from various platforms into one cohesive framework. It is a progressive JavaScript framework primarily used for developing user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue offers impressive scalability and can be adapted as both a library and a framework according to developers' needs. It is designed to be incrementally adaptable and supports development for both desktop and mobile platforms.


What are the Benefits of Vue.js/Vue?

Despite being relatively new, Vue quickly gained popularity due to its notable features. Let's explore some of the reasons behind Vue's popularity:


Virtual DOM: The Document Object Model (DOM) is a valuable tool for developers during the rendering process. It represents the structure, style, and components of a web page and allows developers to manipulate and update its contents. Vue simplifies this process by utilizing a virtual DOM, which creates a replica of the DOM for each page. This approach improves rendering efficiency, reduces complexity, and saves time.

Single-file Components: Vue follows a Component-Based Architecture (CBA) similar to Angular and React. Each part of a Vue application is a component, and developers can create them using a single file. This approach offers several advantages. It promotes reusability, allowing components to be easily reused across multiple pages. It enables unit testing and targeted quality control for individual components, enhancing debugging and improvement processes. Additionally, this architecture enhances code readability and organization by dividing it into smaller, separate files.

Reactive Two-Way Data Binding: Vue adopts a two-way data binding approach, similar to Angular, to establish a link between the data model and the user interface. This ensures that changes made to the data model are automatically reflected in the UI and vice versa. The combination of reactive two-way data binding and the virtual DOM enables real-time updates, providing users with a seamless experience when working with dynamic data.

Integration Capabilities: Vue excels in its integration capabilities, allowing seamless collaboration with existing tools and frameworks. It requires only JavaScript to work, eliminating the need for additional dependencies. Moreover, Vue's internal structure combines elements from React and Angular, making it easy to transition between the two. Vue supports multiple syntax options, including JavaScript, JavaScript XML (JSX), and HTML, providing flexibility and familiarity to developers.


Companies using Vue.js/Vue:

  • Google
  • Apple
  • Behance
  • Nintendo
  • Oval Money
  • Trivago
  • Font Awesome
  • GitLab
  • 9GAG
  • Trustpilot

Popular Brands Using Angular, React, and Vue

The Angular vs React vs Vue debate does not have a definitive answer as each framework offers unique functionalities that can be valuable to organizations depending on their specific requirements. 
































Angular vs React vs Vue: Technical Comparison


Performance and DOM

Angular follows the MVC architecture, dividing tasks into smaller logical pieces. While it offers two-way data binding and enjoys popularity in the sector, its extensive feature set can lead to heavier applications that may impact device performance. Compared to React or Vue, Angular can be more challenging to learn due to its complexity.

React utilizes a virtual DOM that only re-renders modules when necessary, maximizing efficiency. It supports tree shaking, bundling, and code-splitting, resulting in lower resource load. With one-way data binding, React provides better control. However, it does not adopt an MVC architecture and may require more libraries for larger tasks. React's evolving nature makes it challenging to establish comfort and lacks comprehensive documentation.

Vue, similar to React, employs a virtual DOM and has a smaller learning curve. It is a lightweight and highly performant framework. Vue's extensive and well-written documentation facilitates ease of learning. Additionally, Vue integrates smoothly with other applications, allowing for instant project loading. However, the limited community support for Vue, being a newer framework, poses challenges in finding expertise and results in a smaller job market.


Data Binding

Angular and Vue support two-way data binding, enabling data exchange between components and the view (DOM). This establishes two-way communication, reducing the need for complex UI manipulation. Angular's data binding is highly efficient, particularly suitable for simple objects.

React implements one-way data binding, binding data either from the component to the view (DOM) or vice versa. This approach minimizes error-prone situations, offers better data control, and simplifies debugging. Compared to two-way binding, one-way binding leads to improved performance and clearer code. However, it requires additional actions for certain UI changes, making it less convenient to write and execute.


Bundle Size

Bundle size refers to the generated code uploaded to the deployment server, impacting performance. Angular currently has the largest bundle size, nearly twice that of its competitors. React and Vue have similar bundle sizes, with Vue possessing the lowest size. However, for larger applications, their bundle sizes are roughly identical.


Backward Compatibility

Angular, as a complete framework, relies on its previous versions and components. React is the most backward-compatible framework, allowing libraries to be paired with various packages and supporting legacy migrations. Vue faces challenges in terms of backward compatibility, especially with Vue 3, which requires programmers to adopt the relatively "new" syntax.



Angular provides scalability for larger applications through its powerful Command Line Interface (CLI) and a design that accommodates an additional abstraction or façade layer. This approach keeps UI components lightweight and facilitates easier testing.

React's virtual DOM makes it easy to scale. It utilizes classes, aligning with the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, and offers a flexible virtual DOM. React's reusable code, coupled with compatibility with Redux, enhances its scalability.

Vue is also flexible and scalable, leveraging a similar virtual DOM as React. However, being a newer framework, its scalability has undergone limited testing.



Angular, React, and Vue utilize componentization, albeit in different ways. Angular follows the MVC architecture, breaking down application code into separate files. Reusable components consist of independent directives, templates, and controllers stored in individual files. Angular excels in object-oriented programming and offers superior componentization compared to its competitors.

React builds component trees, defining components declaratively. Application composition in React resembles function composition in JavaScript. React's code is easy to read, and its logical structure is apparent. However, the increased freedom provided by React requires additional time for designing the application.

Vue's componentization utilizes the Vue.extend() method. Components in Vue can be registered globally or locally, resembling labels. Lazy-loaded components in larger applications have reduced initial payloads and load times, improving user experience. However, this approach may result in additional server requests.



Angular and Vue, being frameworks, extensively employ directives. Angular's directives are more complex than those of its counterparts. Its HTML compiler determines when to utilize a directive, allowing directives to serve various use cases. Components in Angular are specialized directives.

Vue's directives are simpler than those in Angular. Vue clearly distinguishes between directives and components. Vue's directives primarily focus on DOM manipulations. Understanding how to set custom directives for low-level DOM access is crucial for leveraging Vue's functionality.



Angular's manual component testing method, which involves opening the application and ensuring each component functions as desired, is tedious and time-consuming. Automated testing using tools like Karma or Jasmine significantly improves testing efficiency in Angular.

React is renowned for its testing capabilities. Utilizing functional programming concepts makes testing React code easier than in other frameworks. React's code output is easy to monitor and debug. Jest is a popular testing platform for React.

Vue's customizability makes testing slightly more cumbersome. The high level of customization in Vue allows for potentially low-quality code that is difficult to test and debug. However, Vue is actively improving its testing capabilities, aiming to enhance them in the future.


Learning Curve

Angular has the steepest learning curve. Learning TypeScript and mastering its complex framework, with frequently updated features, can be challenging.

React has a comparatively lower learning curve, particularly for individuals familiar with JavaScript. Understanding the Redux library may pose a minor difficulty.

Vue is the simplest and easiest framework to learn. Its customizability grants users flexibility in coding. Transitioning from Angular or React to Vue presents no significant hurdles, as Vue's functionality overlaps with other single-page application frameworks.

Who Wins: Angular, React or Vue?





Performance and DOM



Data Binding



Bundle Size



Backward Compatibility


















Learning Curve




Which Framework Should We Choose for 2023?

Given the information presented above, the answer is likely one you anticipated: it depends.

Angular proves to be highly valuable for building dynamic and enterprise-grade applications, especially those that are large in scale. Its efficient data binding allows content to be dynamically updated based on user selections, choices, and behavior. When a module is altered, the rest of the application is automatically updated.

React, on the other hand, is ideal for applications that require fast response times, versatility, good SEO practices, or have an international audience. Its processing efficiency, along with a virtual DOM that facilitates one-way data binding, enables React to deliver impressive speed, making it highly competitive in the market.

Vue is a beneficial framework for applications that prioritize speed, lightweight design, integration with other frameworks, and targeting an international audience. In addition to its speed, Vue's simple and flexible structure allows for the creation of lightweight applications with ease. Its user-friendly learning curve and ability to manipulate web pages with minimal effort make it a popular choice.

These frameworks are as dynamic as the tech industry itself, continuously evolving and improving. They will continue to progress in the coming years, ensuring the utmost ease and efficiency in the application development process.